To me this blog keeps a track of all those incidences in my "book of life"....expressed through my perspective .
These Incidences are from those pages that I've fondly "dogeared" .
They keep me warm !
There's fiction too .
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Art Attack
This is my hand at abstract art ! Billion Dollar Baby !!!
I'd probably interpret this as "Reflections on the pond" (Thank you for the idea Vivek)
Smoosh it around. That's what I like. I've even adopted it as a desktop background.
Yes, they'll all come to see me
In the shade of that old oak tree
As they lay me 'neath the green, green grass of home
Another song for your heart.
(No pennies here, rupees only!
But money doesn't seem right, so.)
manu:That's too much of an appreciation !
Thanx !
Yes, one must treat the people around them right.
Appreciation where it's due.
manu:too much flattery sire !!!
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