Saturday, January 26, 2008

Blasphemy #4

How will you do this in 'fastment' ?

Art Attack

The greatest part about painting is ,I can use colours the way I like...
Kaboom !!!and a splash of colours....That's the beauty of it !

The greatest feature of this painting is the waterfall...T'was my first try at it and I think it's pretty good .


Stay Hungry .Stay Foolish .

source :Stewart Brand

between us

"Get up and rinse the clothes ,make chapathis ,soak the rice the dal,"(anne it's one of those regular days.....just get up with a calm and peaceful mind !) "remind grandma to cook rice ,dry the clothes and when they are dried bring them down ,iron the bedsheets ,"(No ,happens to everyone ....) "clean your cupboard and your wardrobe ,dust your windows ,sweep n sob ,cut the vegetables :8-10 onions ,diced " (tch-tch...there there girl.....ssshhh) "put the motor on ,clean your table ,bathe the dog ,switch-off the motor ,come down ,go up" (oh bang the SCREAM...)" wash ,wipe ,clean ,tend ,run ,walk ,bring ,take ,"....SHUT UP !!!!!!!!

Excuse-me ,I'm not complaining .....after 5-6 months of "you-have-to-listen-to-my-instructions-even-if-it-involves-brushing-your
-teeth-in-front-of-Price Charles " by the lecturers ,all any engineering student
would want to do is relax ,breathe ,chill ,take it slow ,escape before he/she gets back to another hectic ,life-wrenching ,monotonous semester !

I was born a traveller...well I imagine myself to be one...dreaming of hills and fields and countrside and waterfalls and vineyards and tasting hot sizzing cuisines and creamy desserts .
Okay ...I don't have the "kaasu" for could we atleast go to some village nearby and eat "maize" roti...or lalbagh for the flower show ???
No...all I get to do is take another dose of instructions....I'm getting trained for "you'll have to do all this after marriage !"(yayeiks and double zoinks)......

Hmm...hey that's a good idea....I'll take the training and open a school for the enroll their men...."thumbs-up" much for "an idea can change your life" (thanx blog....I sat down here to complain and you've just helped me find a way to make money...."muah")

Okay then let the rain of instructions "reign" on me !.....Gosh I really must be some sort of an optimistic idiot !

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Art Attack

This is my hand at abstract art ! Billion Dollar Baby !!!

I'd probably interpret this as "Reflections on the pond"
(Thank you for the idea Vivek)

Friday, January 11, 2008

between us

Fingerprint Technology !
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar ?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

no title

Had been to MCC today....had to pay 150 bucks to get in....damn...."this is silly" I thought as I walked in....I wondered if t'was gonna be worth paying that much...All I expected was good stuff...Maybe the dance or the singing......"Mardi Gras"....ya....that was the theme....
There were these belles with the "eye-mask" on...grand!..The main audi was broken down....I remember....we always had "interested" dogs if not students there.....I got to see my old classrooms....Got to criticize a few teachers....The oldies "lullabied" to us...the young ones
put on this act of "strictness" just to feel secure.....funny ladies.....
The canteens.....chechi's no more there and so are the hot sugar and cinnamon doughnuts....I remember messing our faces with it ...The labs....oh ya I got to meet the attender...he remembered my friend not me....(like duh)well he's the same.....talks too much....very much more than required...The beehive next to the audi in the Golden Jubilee is very much present....but bigger...and a change of location ....(photographic!......I was very much tempted to just break the peace in coll....That would put an end to that damed fest which gave me nothing for 150 bucks!!!! grrr!!!)
Met a few ol buddies...and all they had in store for me was the news of death of a good pal of mine .We weren't close pals or anything....the hi-bye kind...But she was bold ,beautiful ,confident and endearing .She had commited suicide just 3 days ago because her boyfriend had passed away in an accident .Damed.....what's wrong with these people....can't they just leave the dead to the dead....
Wasn't necessary for you to join them girl.......God bless your soul !

Well life's crazy ,weird :does things you never expected and at a time you never expected.....well is it that difficult to be alive let life flow ????Life is meant for living matter what....It's raises you up....and lets you fall....That's the essence of Life ....isn't it???

Could I be right is asking these questions...or could they be just labelled as arguments made by the inexperienced ???

These I "right" in assuming that my assumptions are "right" ???

Guess all this is a bit too much for 150 bucks.....

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

between us

This is what I call "Divine Intervention"

between us

"How would you convince an atheist that there's a God ?"
"Look around !!!We didn't just evolve from slime !"

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Blasphemy #3

We welcome the members of the faculty members .

Just a thought

It's not about making use of oppurtunities that makes it all a big deal .
It's about creating them ,when one wouldn't expect them to exist......