Tuesday, August 9, 2011

between us

We meet various genres of personalities.
Some we look forward to meet.
Some we avoid.
Some we just have to tolerate.
But the ones we most definately hate is a rude edgy fella... especially one whose insolence is driven by their puffed-up egotistical self-applauding attitude.
I did have a personal experience of my own with one such 'i've got red ants in my pants' sorta guy.
Its upsetting.
Not because their attitude is just a piece of sewage... but more because you really can't do anything about it because of your present circumstance.
At one such moment I asked my oldie 'John Black' for some support and advise.
He said, "Sometimes you just have to be silent cause you don't want to get down to their level"
I further enquired if it would be fine to let the person know how uncanny he's been.
He added, "Stand up for yourself if you have to... But remember 'Donkeys don't evolve into stallions !' "

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

just a thought

Said the earth to the sky "My Lord, My Darling, no longer can i stay away from thee"
Lo ! He rained down into her being, "Behold i've come only with you to be !"

Saturday, July 30, 2011

No title

I wish I could watch the sunset with you,
There are so many things for us to do !
Hear winchimes ringing sweetly in the air,
Watch birds flying in a pair,
Catch raindrops running down each other's cheek,
Climb all the way up a mountain peak,
Walk through the aisle of a sunflower field ,
Send love messages on a beach inside bottles sealed,
Pet little puppies on the road,
Dream of having St. Bernards and a Retriever Gold,
Peek at the moon rising behind the leaves,
Plan a mock robbery like a pair of thieves,
Rate food from different places on a score of ten,
Draw a million drawings with pencil and a pen,
Talk of a billion dreams under the water tank,
Pull your hair and play a prank,
Enjoy dinner on a windy rooftop,
Run away from the van of a cop,
Shoot many mad photos together,
Follow birds and pick up their feather,
Gift each other red roses,
Touch fishes and play with their noses,
So get well soon, right now, will you !
There are many more things for us to do !

Thursday, July 21, 2011

No title

I'll take a minute or two
to take a quiet walk beside you
Maybe we can have a hushed word
or a silent giggle
Maybe i'll count the stars tonight
while you rid the stones from my path
Maybe I'll just watch your eyes
as they peacefully blink
Maybe i'll make sure to see that smile
while you watch me jump over cockroaches
Maybe i'll naughtily nudge you
So you can nudge me back too
Maybe i'll hum your favourite tune
to hear you sing along
Maybe i'll brush my hand against yours
so i can feel your warmth
Or maybe I'll just take a quiet walk beside you
Cause you love to walk beside me too

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No title

What if one of days called 'i don't feel important' comes across your path !? Most of us wait for someone to make us feel special: To make us the top of their priority list. And we obviously wait in anticipation and blind notion that 'someone' will make us feel belonged and important. Oh how we crave for those days when someone remembers we exist and celebrates us being in their lives. A long forgotten hug or kiss acquired, is treasured dearly within the deepest depths of our fragile hearts so that its feeling may never leave us... may never wear away. Hence most of us may remember our 'first kiss' or 'first touch' or 'first hug' or 'first smile' or 'time spent together' with endearing fondness !

We wish maybe someone will go that extra mile and try atleast.

We know the saying 'Depend on none for your happiness, for happiness comes from within'.

Well... I wouldn't really back up that quote, for the outside plays an equal role to making us happy from the inside. Gosh ! You can't keep hugging yourself forever... You need a hug from another as well !

We all know the 'worthless' feeling.
We cry. We cry some more. We cry louder. We pick up a kerchief. We wipe our tears. We look into the mirror to make sure our eyes are red no more. We smile to make ourselves better. We smile to make our expression go into the 'neutral' mode. We smile to hide our tears. We resume 'natural' form. And the day goes on.
But somewhere... we're still crying at the back of our minds.

It's good to cry... It really helps. It's like letting the 'sadness monster' go.
We know we must let go of one thing to gain another. So I guess that's the same logic with sadness and happiness.

A friend told me 'You're as important as everyone else' and I just wanted to puke. The last thing you want to be told is that you're importance is no greater than the next person. In a general philosophical sense, he may be right. But I wasn't brooding about being important to the world. Cause to the world I'm just a person. I wanted to feel like 'The World' to someone.

Such crappy days make their presence felt, either seldom or often. And most of the times somehow, something or someone may come along to cheer you up.
And for the times when you just keep waiting in vain for something or someone to come, just understand... Sleeping helps. Wake up and face the sun. And cry if you must in your bath, but most importantly believe there's a nice bakery waiting down the road waiting for you to gorge on its finest biscuits, or a cute puppy wallpaper waiting to hear your giggle, or a luxurious spa waiting to enhance your being or a simple smile waiting to be passed on from 'someone' to you or maybe a nice message sent to you at the end of the day by the one who needs you :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

no music

There's a confusion,
A puzzling notion,
A mixed emotion,
And the rain doesn't stop to pour !

Teeny tiny raindrops,
Clingling like unfallen teardrops,
Transcending every feeling that crops,
Into something that's not meant to be real !

The room's getting bigger,
Makin me feel smaller,
The air's getting thinner,
Oh when will I fall !

I've been waiting to feel this feeling,
Oh yes it's raining,
And this is real,
And I'm falling... falling for you !