Saturday, December 15, 2007

no title

She asks,"What do you like the most ?Sunset or sunrise ?"
He replies,"I get to see both ."
She exclaims sarcastically,"Ya Right !"
He outwits her,"A sunset here is a sunrise elsewhere "

between us

This is one of those usual "who's the boss " kinda fight .
They say temptations come from the "evil one"...well...there's no doubt about it !

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

no title

There it was ,that building where he had stood and had sent a 'flying kiss' her way .She was the happiest then .Little did she know that it would be the face of the man she'd never want to see again .
He had made her feel special....and when she had walked up to him and made a proposal ,all he had done was keep silent...he had never said a yes ....he had never said a no .She had waited and waited.....and alas she had realised that it was for her own good .
He was fickle minded .She knew ,the very day he had introduced that beautiful girl leaning next to him as his girlfriend ,he would never turn back and respond .
She was happy that she didn't have the beauty or the brains required to become his game .Then why did she have to turn back those pages of her life everytime she passed that building....Memories oh ! memories ,why should thou be remembered.....
As she saw the sunset over the bridge she realised.....There must come a night ,for a new day to begin.....There must come wrong people in one's life ,to know the right ones ....There must be heartbreaks experienced to make a new and stronger you...

Sunday, December 9, 2007


What we need is not just prayers ,but perseverance in prayers .

source of inspiration : A man who didn't have a job for a year ,but continued to pray because he believed that God has his own time .

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Just a thought

Mr.Shakespeare said,"The world's a stage and we are the actors"...or something similar to that...What he didn't know was , when he said that, he was just giving us the "license" to be hypocrites !

Monday, October 29, 2007

"The greatest misfortune bring unforseen rewards"

I've never had a 'great misfortune' or anything like that......but I've had experiences that I do consider a misfortune...and it came to be in the form of 'engineering'......Well yes I'm gonna be an engineer in another year n a half(if I make it !)...should that make me proud or what ?...That's a question I make take an eternity to answer ....or maybe not....cause my reward came to me in the form of my friends .
I've got one at every nook and corner.....but I'm talking about the ones who let me get close to them...The ones who accepted me the way I am n there are just a handfull of them .Let me 'pen-name' them ...cuppy cake , smartass , John Black n crowy !.....
Wondering why I didn't name em ???...Cause they'd grow horns if they ever came to know !!!

Thanx've taught me a lot...especially to wake up with a reason every day...n I thank God for you !

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Just a thought

I believe that all of us are born with a 'manufacture-defect'.....and I also believe that God doesn't make 'junk'...
So there's no such thing as a "perfect" human being , but we have been created perfectly , just the way we were meant to be...each with our own polish ,shine ,make and one more important than the other...and yet each one gifted with detailed uniqueness !

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I always tell people to do things only if they want to.....not because they have to. Today I learnt that sometimes we "have" to do things not because we do not have a choice, but simply because somebody "wants" us to do it .
Only then you would have gone beyond your way to make things happen for people and would have learnt the art of "wanting" to do things which you thought you'll "have" to.

source of inspiration : cuppy cake